Soul Contract Overlay Consultation,
Name Optimisation & Baby Naming

A Soul Contract Overlay Consultation and associated services give you insights into your human interactions, help optimise your name and create richness within your relationships.


Are you perplexed about certain people in your life and the connection you have with them? Have you wondered why human relationships can seem so challenging?

Finding out more about the human interactions relationships you have in your private and work life can be life changing and give you the tools to navigate these areas confidently with grace and ease.

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When we work together you'll receive accurate information and insights to positively transform your world and catalyse you into becoming the best version of yourself.

These are some of the benefits my clients report following an Overlay Consultation:

  • Arms you with the know-how to cultivate healthy personal relationships and boost existing ones

  • Assists you in more fully understanding interactions with family, friends, and love ones

  • Promotes a clear connection with your inner light

  • Cultivates a heightened sense of authentic empathy with significant people in your life

  • Gives concise insight to issues and difficulties in your human interactions

  • Guides you to move through challenges in your relationships

  • Infuses newfound joy and balance

  • Relieves pain and discomfort

  • Transforms the hardest challenges into your greatest gifts

  • Boosts health and happiness

  • Unlocks your strengths and abilities

  • Monumental shifts in personal consciousness

  • Achievement of stunning personal shifts and rapid growth through Name Optimisation

  • Alignment with the perfect name vibration for your unborn baby

  • Expanded self knowledge and understanding


How the Session works

Your Soul Contract Overlay Consultation Session can be done from the comfort of your own home by zoom. I ask you to fill in a comprehensive form which I will send you via e mail. Your personalised Charts will be prepared prior the reading and presented to you on the video call. The session is 1.5-2 hours long and it includes the recording to keep forever.
Investment = EUR 180, GBP 155, US $210


“Relationships are laboratories of the spirit. They are hospitals of the soul. They are the places where the wounds that we hold will be bought up because that’s the only way they can be healed”.

– Marianne Williamson