Soul Contract Birth Chart

Your birth name is a perfectly designed tool containing specific frequencies and vital information that is mostly concealed from you until you seek to unlock it. When this is revealed, your life experiences become demystified as you consciously reconnect to the voice of your soul and step into becoming the best version of yourself.

A Soul Contract Birth Chart Consultation uncovers a spiritual map that contains unique and profoundly accurate information and a crystal-clear presentation of your life experience. While working together you'll receive insights into your current issues and challenges. I will show you the strengths and abilities you hold as a creator being which have likely been lying dormant waiting to be consciously accessed. The intention of the session is to positively transform your world and offer steps forward for you to expand and grow.

The Earth Experience is designed for spiritual development and our soul deeply hopes that we will discover creative solutions to actively and consciously navigate our life. We incarnate with many wishes and objectives as well as the gift of free will. Everything is synchronistic and has meaning. Many life events and hardship alert us to this by offering gifts and opportunities for transformation. Through it all, we reclaim our limitless potential as a multi-dimensional beings.


If you are feeling lost, confused, unsure, stuck, lacking clarity, direction, and seeking answers you are likely ready for change.

If you feel drawn to a Soul Contract birth chart Consultation it is a vitally important step in your process. If you would like to know more about the system and how the session works click here.


While working together you'll receive accurate information and invaluable insights that transform your world and catalyse you into becoming the best version of yourself.

The top benefits reported by clients following their Soul Contract Birth Chart Consultation with me:

  • Clear information and an understanding of why certain situations, challenges and perplexing issues manifest in their current realities and alternative viewpoints to them

  • Encouragement to empowered action and positive decision making leading to more love, compassion and self-knowledge

  • Improvements in health through the release of blocked energies and issues in the physical, mental, emotional bodies

  • Reconnection with their enormous creative power

  • Unlocking of unique strengths, abilities and gifts and how to consciously embrace and apply them

  • Unlocking of unique strengths, abilities and gifts and how to consciously embrace and apply them

  • Clarity of goals and ambitions in alignment with their unique life purpose and and tangible steps to attain and implement them

  • A profound and deep appreciation of their true essence and broader purpose of existence

  • Boosts in energies of optimism, peace, joy, happiness and harmony

  • Monumental shifts in consciousness and deeper self - awareness


What you’ll receive:

  • 1.5 hour live Soul Contract Birth Chart Reading and Consultation together with me

  • mp3 and mp4 recordings sent within 5 days of the reading

  • A copy of your personal chart, email summary and recommendations sent within 5 days of the reading

Preparation of your unique chart prior the session takes approx. 2 hours of my time and the live reading lasts 1.5 hours. This service is available from the comfort of your own home via zoom conferencing or in person at my practice/therapy room in 42555 Velbert, Germany.

Investment = €150, £130, US$160


“There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life. There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine. O traveller, if you are in search of that, don’t look outside, look inside yourself and seek that”.

– Rumi